"Fate" tells the story of a young man who is kidnapped and brutally killed. The kidnapper, played by great looking actor Joseph Schneider, is then haunted by his victim, played by young actor Doug Oliphant. The plot allows director Alex Pucci to indulge the viewer with the killing of Schneider several times throughout the film and in a variety of different ways. Schneider, who has a great muscular body and is shirtless for much of the film, is stabbed, shot, and strangled, and plays the death scenes very convincingly. There is a great stabbing scene with Schneider getting knifed in the belly by Oliphant and there are two terrific scenes where Schneider is shot with a gun. In both shooting scenes Oliphant pushes the muzzle of the gun into Schneider's belly and fires several times. Schneider's reaction to being shot is just great as is the expert direction and camera work of Pucci throughout "Fate."
The other shorts included in Twisted Vol. 4 were good stories but "Fate" is by far the best and makes the dvd well worth the cost.
Below are some stills of actor Joseph Schneider and a clip of the stabbing scene.

This is my re-edit of the stabbing scene.