Saturday, March 01, 2025
Tuesday, December 03, 2024
Sunday, December 01, 2024
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Monday, October 09, 2023
Wednesday, July 05, 2023
Monday, May 29, 2023
Monday, February 27, 2023
Spartan Warrior Speared 3
Friday, December 09, 2022
Sunday, November 20, 2022
Monday, November 14, 2022
Wednesday, November 02, 2022
A Halloween Story
Halloween was Patrick’s favorite holiday of the year. He loved dressing up in costume and going to bars and parties around the city with his friends. This Halloween would be special though because Patrick was meeting Mario for the first time. He and Mario met online and had been texting and FaceTiming each other for a few weeks. Tonight would be their first date and Patrick was excited to finally meet Mario in person.
Patrick carefully attached the long Spartan cape to the leather straps that fit snugly across his thickly muscled chest. He purchased the Spartan costume online when he and Mario had agreed to dress as ancient warriors for their Halloween date. Mario would be wearing a gladiator costume he put together himself from various online sources. Both young men had perfectly muscled physiques, the results of countless hours spent in the gym. They both were eager to show off their toned bodies in the scant warrior costumes they would wear. Their muscular torsos would be fully exposed, much like those of the Spartans and gladiators they emulated in their virtual role-playing.
The two young men met on a gladiator-themed message board and both shared the same sexual fantasies…fighting as ancient warriors; sometimes slaying their bare-chested opponents with a sword or spear, and sometimes being killed in battle in the same manner. For the last few weeks, the young men had been role-playing on FaceTime while previewing their Halloween costumes for each other, Patrick as a Spartan warrior and Mario as a gladiator. They took turns describing in graphic detail how they would kill each other in battle with their swords and spears, and then the slain warrior would act out his death scene, often dramatically, by clutching his belly with both hands while moaning and groaning and falling to the floor. Both men were sexually aroused by the hours-long sessions which invariably included multiple acts of sexual self-gratification.
Patrick suggested they meet at a local bar hosting a Halloween party but Mario insisted they meet at Patrick’s apartment. Patrick was hesitant at first but wanted to make this relationship work, so he finally relented. They agreed to be fully dressed in costume when they met to keep the fantasy role-playing they started virtually going in person.
Patrick was nervous while waiting in his apartment fully dressed in his Spartan costume. He stared at his reflection in the full-length mirror for several minutes, flexing as he turned from side to side.
“Damn, I look good,” Patrick muttered, as he stared at himself in full Spartan warrior attire, confident his impressively muscled body looked great in his costume.
The leather straps wrapped around his chest made Patrick’s pectorals look even fuller and more defined than usual. His chiseled abs looked like they were carved from stone, no doubt due to the aggressive dieting and tanning Patrick did the last few weeks in preparation for tonight. He looked like an actual Spartan warrior ready for battle. Patrick knew he looked great and hoped Mario thought so too.
The doorbell rang and Patrick put down the prop spear he was holding and opened the door. Neither man said anything, instead, each immediately fixed their gaze admiringly on the other’s muscular torso. Neither young man was disappointed.
Mario's body was magnificent, more impressive in person than what Patrick had remembered from their virtual role-playing sessions. His broad shoulders and narrow waist formed the perfect “V” shaped torso. His two large pectorals hung low over his thickly muscled abdomen. Mario’s tanned olive skin sharpened the definition of every muscle in his sculpted torso. He looked like a Greek god in his gladiator costume. Mario flexed his huge biceps as he held a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. He was an impressive sight standing in the doorway, half-naked, wearing only a leather skirt that sat low on his hips and a black leather harness that fitted snugly around his huge chest.
Patrick sensed that Mario was pleased with the Spartan warrior he saw standing on the other side of the doorway. Both men were flexing their muscles hard trying to impress the other.
Without saying a word Mario lifted his sword and pressed the tip of the blade firmly into Patrick’s abdomen just above his navel. Patrick inhaled sharply and reflexively drew in his stomach and flexed his abs when he felt the tip of the cold steel blade touch his bare skin.
“Damn, that’s a real sword…and sharp as hell,” Patrick thought to himself.
Mario slowly dragged the sword blade up the middle of Patrick’s smooth muscular torso, pausing at each row of Patrick’s sculpted abs and pushing the blade forward a little firmer into Patrick’s hard belly. Patrick flinched each time he felt the tip of the cold blade press harder into his tightly flexed abs. Mario continued dragging the sword blade up to the center of Patrick’s chest, pausing again, with the sword blade aimed between Patrick’s two large but perfectly shaped pectorals.
Mario pushed Patrick back with his sword pressing firmly into Patrick’s chest. Patrick flexed his pecs hard and slowly stepped back into the apartment as the blade was pushed harder into his bare chest. Mario kicked the door closed behind him. The young men were breathing heavier and starting to get aroused as the sensual swordplay continued inside the apartment.
Mario dragged the sword blade across Patrick’s chest and pressed the tip of the blade under Patrick’s left pectoral, just below his nipple. Patrick flexed his chest hard when he felt a twinge of pain as Mario pushed the finely sharpened blade into his skin a little too hard, almost breaking the skin. Mario then slowly dragged the sword blade back down the center of Patrick’s torso, stopping when the blade was a few inches above Patrick’s navel.
Both young men were fully aroused as their imaginations ran wild with erotic scenarios they had role-played thousands of times. Patrick was quivering slightly as he imagined Mario suddenly thrusting his sword forward into his tightly flexed abs and running him through with the sword. Mario was flush with sensual excitement imagining thrusting his sword into Patrick’s rock-hard belly and driving his sword completely through Patrick’s thickly muscled naked torso.
Mario squeezed the sword's grip tighter in his right hand and flexed his right bicep hard. He grabbed Patrick’s right shoulder with his left hand and leaned into him with the sword blade pressed into Patrick’s abs.
“HAAAA!!!,” Mario yelled out menacingly, as he forcefully thrust his sword forward, flicking his wrist to the right so that the full length of the sword blade slid harmlessly against the left side of Patrick’s muscular torso until the hilt of the sword was even with his abdomen.
“AAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!” Patrick yelled out wildly when he felt the sword blade rub against the bare skin on the left side of his torso as Mario thrust the sword fully forward.
Patrick bent forward at the waist and flexed every muscle in his upper body hard, imagining the full length of the sword blade had been driven into his belly and run completely through his hard muscled torso to the hilt of the sword, with the sword blade protruding out his back.
Mario jammed his left hand into Patrick’s chest and abruptly pulled his sword back violently, again sliding the blade flat against Patrick’s side, as if pulling the blade out of his belly.
“UUUUUUUhhhhhhh!!!!” Patrick grunted and his body recoiled as Mario pulled his sword back.
Patrick gritted his teeth and flexed his abs hard imagining the pain of a deep stab wound in his belly. He yelled out again and pulled back his shoulders and threw his arms out to his sides; his muscular torso was fully exposed and vulnerable with his abdomen wide open, giving Mario an enticing target for another thrust of his sword.
Mario hesitated a moment to gaze at Patrick's incredibly muscular body and his seductive pose, but then couldn’t resist the temptation to continue the role-playing battle and stab the Spartan warrior again with his sword.
Mario stepped forward with his sword arm fully cocked back and forcefully thrust the sword forward, again deflecting the blade to the right at the last moment so that it scraped along the side of Patrick’s torso.
“AAAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!” Patrick yelled out uncontrollably and his body shuddered, as he felt the sword blade against the side of his abdomen, imagining he had been stabbed again.
Mario held the blade tucked tightly against the side of Patrick’s torso so that it appeared half the blade had been driven into Patrick's belly. Mario then wrapped his muscular left arm around Patrick’s back and pulled him closer. Both men were sweating and their bare bodies were moist with perspiration.
“HHHaaa!!!’ Mario yelled out, as he drove the rest of his sword blade forward along the side of Patrick’s torso until the hilt of the sword was even with Patrick’s abdomen, pretending to run Patrick through again.
“UUUUuuuhhhh!!!” Patrick grunted and flexed his upper body hard as he felt the sword blade thrust forward while held tightly against the side of his torso, imagining the full length of the sword blade had been run through his gut.
Mario dug his left hand into Patrick’s fully pumped chest and aggressively pulled his sword back as if pulling the blade out of Patrick’s gut.
“UUUHHH!!!” Patrick groaned and his body convulsed.
Patrick staggered forward with his two hands clutching his belly then fell to the floor face down writhing in pain at Mario's feet.
Mario put his left foot under Patrick’s right shoulder and flipped him over on his back. He then straddled Patrick with one leg on either side of his torso. Mario pressed the sword blade into Patrick’s chest under his left pectoral. Patrick instinctively flexed his massive chest hard as he felt the cold steel blade push into the skin under his left pec.
“Die Spartan,” Mario said ominously, and flicked the sword blade to the side of Patrick’s chest before forcefully pushing the sword down as if driving the sword blade deep into Patrick’s chest; the blade slid down against the side of Patrick’s chest and into the floor next to him. Mario pushed the sword down so hard that the tip of the razor-sharp blade was embedded into the floorboards.
“UUUUUUhhhhhhh!!!” Patrick groaned loudly as he grabbed the sword blade protruding from his chest with both hands for a few seconds then let his arms slowly fall to his sides.
Patrick imagined the sword thrust through his chest would have pierced his heart and killed him instantly. He lay still with the sword still stuck in the floor beside him.
Looking down at Patrick, bare-chested, with his big muscular body sprawled on the floor and a sword seemingly driven into his chest, Mario was about to explode in ecstasy. Patrick had the same feeling as he lay on the floor imagining gladiator Mario had run him through the belly twice and stabbed him in the chest with a sword. Both young men were playing out their ultimate sexual fantasies live.
After a few seconds of awkward silence, Mario started to giggle…and that got Patrick giggling as well.
“WAIT! FREEZE!” Mario shouted. “I have got to get some photos of this”
“That was so awesome,” Mario exclaimed excitedly as he went to get his iPhone.
“It was incredible,” Patrick agreed, still lying on the floor with the sword stuck in the floor next to him.
Mario snapped a dozen photos, and at just the right angle, it looked like the sword was stuck in Patrick’s chest.
”You died well…as a Spartan warrior should,” Mario said as he helped Patrick off the floor.
“Your sword thrusts were perfect,” Patrick said excitedly.
Mario air-dropped the photos he took to Patrick and they both took a few moments to bring down the sexual energy.
“Now do me,” Mario pleaded
They reversed roles.
Patrick grabbed the prop spear he had set down earlier. The spear had a wooden shaft and a hard rubber spearhead. Mario put his shield down on the couch and jumped up on the coffee table in the middle of the living room with just his sword in his hand.
“HAAAAAAA!!!” Mario yelled as he pretended to attack.
Mario held his sword high above his head, intentionally exposing his impressive muscular torso to a counterattack. His leather gladiator tunic slid down a little lower on his hips, exposing more of his veiny lower belly. Mario’s muscular abdomen was wide open and a seductive target for Patrick’s spear
Patrick paused for a moment to admire Mario’s beautifully muscled smooth torso and thought how great he looked in his gladiator costume frozen in his alluring attack stance.
But Patrick couldn’t resist attacking any longer. He lurched forward and rammed his spear into Mario’s chiseled abdomen at full force, the rubber spearhead stabbing hard into Mario’s bare belly.
“AAAAAAAhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Mario yelled out and grabbed the shaft of the spear with his left hand and held it pulled into his belly as he slowly fell from the table.
Mario dropped his sword and grabbed the shaft of the spear with both hands, pulling the spearhead into his tightly flexed belly and moaning loudly.
Patrick yanked the spear back as if pulling it out of Mario’s body.
“UUHH!!!” Mario’s body recoiled and he arched his back, threw his big arms out to his sides, and spun around with his back to Patrick.
Patrick quickly thrust his spear forward again, aiming to the right of Mario’s brawny back so that the spear grazed the right side of Mario’s hard-muscled torso until the spearhead looked like it was protruding from Mario’s abdomen.
“AAAAAAAHHHHHhhhhhh!!!!” Mario yelled out wildly and pulled back his shoulders when he felt the spear rub against his right side. He grabbed the spearhead with both hands imagining the spear had been thrust completely through his back.
Patrick pulled the spear back sharply, pretending to pull it out of Mario’s back.
“UUHH!!!” Mario grunted and fell to the floor on his back, his big muscular body squirming and writhing in agony, and struggling to keep his head off the floor.
Both young men were once again fully aroused by the scenario that was playing out, having fantasized about what they were now role-playing thousands of times. But doing it live in full costume with another lean muscular opponent brought it to another level of sensual ecstasy.
Patrick stood over Mario as he lay on the floor and lifted his spear high over his head. Patrick then rammed the spear down into Mario’s gut just above his navel.
“AAAHHHhhhhhh!!!” Mario wailed as the rubber spearhead slammed into his belly at full force, almost knocking the wind out of him.
Mario grabbed the shaft of the spear with both hands and thrashed around on the floor imagining he had been speared through the belly. His head then slowly fell back to the floor and he pretended to die, still holding the spearhead tightly into his belly with both hands grabbing the shaft of the spear.
“STAY DOWN!!!,” Patrick shouted after a few moments of silence. I’ve got to get a photo of this.
Patrick snapped photo after photo of Mario on the floor holding the spear into his belly, trying to find the angle at which it looked most realistic.
“Okay, got it.”
Mario got up from the floor and walked over to Patrick.
“Let me see….Yea those are hot,” Mario agreed.
Both men were sexually charged and Mario suggested they forget the Halloween parties and move to the bedroom. Patrick agreed.
The young men stripped off their costumes and admired each other’s beautifully muscled bodies. Their muscles were fully pumped from all the flexing during the sensual role-playing earlier. Even out of costume both young men looked like they could have been real Spartans or gladiators.
They jumped into bed where they spent several hours passionately engaged.
What was supposed to be a one-night date turned into a week's stay for Mario. He and Patrick role-played every scenario they could imagine with swords, spears, and arrows. They even swapped costumes several times with Patrick as the gladiator and Mario as the Spartan warrior.
Their intense role-playing was interspersed with some passionate lovemaking.
The two young men continued their virtual role-playing but also got together in person frequently to act out their most intimate fantasies in person, posting photos and videos of their role-playing on the website where they first met.