

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Killed By An Arrow


  1. A beautiful man, an impaled heart, a beautiful death! Death as art...

    1. Bank on Junior High, used to play "Captured Cowboy" with my buddy, Randy. I'd be wearing cowboy boots, jeans, and a belt buckle that went up to my outie belly-button. My hands tied behind my back, shirtless. Randy was the Indian who captured me. He had warpaint on his face and body (water color paint). He walked behind me, one hand holding the ropes (sister's jump rope), the other held a knife between my shoulder blades. When we were far enough in the woods, he would stand me against a tree, his hand let go of the ropes to position me just right, his hand on my chest as he placed me, hand on my lower left pec, just the place to feel my heart pounding. I'd look down at my lean body, light brown hair just cropping up over my sternum, and curving around my lower pec's to my nipples. His hand pressing on my chest, I could feel my own heartbeat against his hand. After I was placed, he would take a few paces back and face me. He had one of them toy bow and arrow sets, with the rubber tips, he'd take an arrow, place the arrow in the bow, and pull back and aim right at my chest. I'd be standing with my legs apart, sweat trickles down my lean body. My chest heaving, slight visible heartbeat at my lower left pec, pounding rapidly. Perfect Target. You want to kill me, shoot your arrow through here. Abs tight, Chest out. He steady his aim and release the arrow. The arrow would strike me over my heart. I'd let out a grunt, and throw myself against the tree behind me. I'd slide down the tree onto the ground. While, I lay on the ground groaning and rolling around, he'd walk over to my side, loading another arrow into his bow. Standing over me, he'd place the tip of the arrow directly on my chest, right over the pounding at my lower left pec and shoot the arrow into my heart. I'd arch my back, cry out, and then lay still on the ground. He would then place his ear to my chest, to be sure my heart was no longer beating.

  2. at least he got several seconds know he was dying.
