

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Young Gladiator's First Kill in the Arena


  1. Just the TITLE is enough to make me cum!

  2. Once again, the TITLE of this work is so damned EROTIC!
    I can imagine that this is a 17 year old Gladiator killing off a bigger, more experienced fighter in his late twenties. What a rush he would feel as he blade ran through his opponent's massively muscled body! How aroused, excited, scared, aroused, proud, aroused, relieved, aroused... so fucking aroused he must have been to feel his first kill. To sense another man's muscles FLEX through the steel in his hand. To watch a magnificent bodybuilder FLEX his last... because he had the honour of killing him. And to see... is that respect? Yes, it is... to see respect on the face of his worthy adversary in the final moments of his manly passage from life to death.

  3. I'm glad you have the search feature. I typed in my favourite title: "First Kill", and here it is. THIS image is iconic. I kind-of wish the blade went to the heart. I wish we could see more of the youth's physique. But no matter because this is like a snapshot. We glimpse what there was to see in this incredible instant... and that is perfection. DAMN!!!
