

Monday, August 21, 2023

AI Gladiators


  1. As a long time admirer of your talent, this 'AI' work seems to be a perfect compliment to your artist's eye. Now add the fantasy of gut stabs and the like if you would be so inclined, I know I'd be delighted.

    1. Thank you for being a long time follower. AI is amazing at creating realistic looking characters but it is limited in that AI is not advanced enough to generate any action poses with the characters. Hopefully it will evolve quickly so that we can pose characters and have it look realistic. Thanks again, JJ

  2. I'm 'gobsmacked' to learn that there are defficiencies in 'AI' as you mentioned JJ... At 65 I've barely kept up with online banking. I loath the oft and most annoying updates to web sites just as I became used to navigating the site as it was previously. Yours truly and always excited and quite fond of your mind's eye and talent in this genre.
    Thanks JJ ...CurlyJo aka Anonymous
